hello everyone.
man, have we had a beautiful week! i'm choosing to ignore weather reports that say it will be cold and cloudy this whole weekend.
i just got back from running, and have a chiropractor's appt in a little bit so this will be short and sweet!
matt has been working his head off for the past month and a half--but especially this past week-11 and 12 hour days!!! so i haven't seen much of that guy around! thankfully, his deadline is friday, so it will ease up just in time for my parents to get here. and he's saved up nearly a week in overtime work, so he's got a few days off coming his way. we did get to see "bend it like beckham" on friday. and-sorry dad!- i have to agree with matt: i give it a C, maybe C- even. music was great, accents were really cool, and there were some funny parts. but it was incredibly predictable, fairly boring, and i could not stand that white english girl--anyone else feeling my pain???
only one more day until spring break!!!! and not a day too soon-it's been so hard to get out of bed this whole week! and for really no reason at all, other than i just need a break.
i booked a trip to fly home to cincy from june 28-july 12th--yay! i'll be staying with my grammy and granddad for a night or two; hopefully catch up with kevin and emily while i'm in columbus; then on to my parents', where we'll spend some quality time; then heidi will come down for 4th of july weekend and we'll have girl time; and then my mom and i will have a baby shower for michelle on the 6th, so i'll get to see ryan and michelle, too! i'm packing it in! dad, maybe we'll have to have our kings island tradition on a day that mom has to work late!
as far as a summer trip for matt and i, who knows... we'd love to go to ireland, but the prices are really high right now. maybe if there is a great deal around june or july, we'll buy some tickets. if we stick around here, my vote is to drive up highway 1 and camp at various places along the coast.
best quote from a kid today:
"what happened to your toe?"
he was referring to my freak third toe, which is longer than both my big toe and second toe.
yeah, i'd like to know the answer to that, too. how bout it, Lord?
Sunday, April 06, 2003
happy 50th birthday mom edwards!!!
it's your birthday in ohio (not for a few more hours here!)
it sounds like your party was a blast-can't wait to hear about it and see the pictures!
dad edwards, i think you would like denison witmer's music-it reminds me of a really acoustic jackson browne, not exactly like him but i get little glimpses here and there.
i tried to go to my friend's church this morning but got lost and finally ended up at a mall an hour later. therefore, i had a summer clothes shopping trip!!! yay! i used up the rest of my christmas gift card from mom and dad. matt worked all day today so i went for a run-though my body was telling me "no thank you, not today." however, i have been faithful with running about every other day. the best part is running through this natural park near us/sunset cliffs. all the spring wildflowers opened up and there are fields of yellow and white thigh high flowers everywhere!
last week of school before spring break!!! then only 8 weeks after that! then summer beach/travel/relaxation time!!!!
it's your birthday in ohio (not for a few more hours here!)
it sounds like your party was a blast-can't wait to hear about it and see the pictures!
dad edwards, i think you would like denison witmer's music-it reminds me of a really acoustic jackson browne, not exactly like him but i get little glimpses here and there.
i tried to go to my friend's church this morning but got lost and finally ended up at a mall an hour later. therefore, i had a summer clothes shopping trip!!! yay! i used up the rest of my christmas gift card from mom and dad. matt worked all day today so i went for a run-though my body was telling me "no thank you, not today." however, i have been faithful with running about every other day. the best part is running through this natural park near us/sunset cliffs. all the spring wildflowers opened up and there are fields of yellow and white thigh high flowers everywhere!
last week of school before spring break!!! then only 8 weeks after that! then summer beach/travel/relaxation time!!!!