we had our little shindig last night. the andys came down around 3:00 pm and we were able to chill with them for a few hours before our other friends began arriving. i laughed so hard that i was down on the ground several times. when i first met matt and joel 10 years ago, they used to make me laugh so hard i would instantly go down (bladder protection, of course). i know i was young and out of control then, but every once in awhile matt will still get me. but when the three of those boys get together (the andys, matt), it's over for me! anyhoo, when we planned this party, we originally intended to go to oktoberfest, a festival that is across the street from us. but we were all having so much fun just chatting and laughing and hanging out at our house that we never made it over there!
today i got up early and went for a bike and run, in preparation for our muddy buddy. (oh mare--remember how my bike was making those wierd noises during the triath? well, yesterday i took it out for the first time since the race and when i was riding, it broke. it started rattling and swaying and wouldn't even pedal. i had to walk it home--thankfully, i was only a mile away. when i got home, i messed with it a little bit and figured out that the clamp that keeps the rear wheel on was loose--when i lifted the frame, it came straight off of the hanging tire--yikes! thank God that didn't happen during the triath--that would have stunk! anyhow, i think i have it all fixed up now...). then the boys woke up and me and astevens made egg tortillas for breakfast and we headed up to encinitas for a surf session. my first time on my new board! and although the water was rough, it was a smooth ride on my new boardie!!! i was exhausted and weak, and the waves were really strong (i had a couple of runs of pounding sand with my head before i said, "enough!"). we grabbed a pizza with the guys in encinitas and they hit the road and i bought new flipflops to replace my broken ones. yay! (10 points to whoever correctly identifies the number of run-on sentences in this blog entry!).
i'm happy to hear about other readers' plans for life.
a couple others on my list include:
-go snowboarding (hopefully at thanksgiving!)
-get better at surfing
-go to seattle, tanzania, hawaii again, bali, ireland, australia
-ride a century (100 km or mile) bike race (after completing some lesser ones-20/50 miles)--mare? are you in?
-be social director/hospitality coordinator for justin's production company :)
dad, can you do orienteering in teams? if so, we should get a family thing going--it sounds so fun. maybe you wouldn't want me on your team, though. i don't have the best sense of direction. i can read a map, though!