hello everyone and merry christmas!
i'm finally writing, but you should know it will be a short one because i have to get to work.
lots of things have happened since i last blogged:
1. first of all (and best of all), work got about 100 times better because the speech dept sent another slp to take my worst, most high-profile case (think 4-hour long meetingS, mom cussing us out, screaming, slamming her briefcase on the table, slamming the door, insulting us--constantly--etc.) ahhhhhhhhhhh...such relief! it was taking up so much time and mental space that i just wasn't myself. i feel like myself again!!!!
2. i turned 30! and i'm okay with it! i had a fun birthday celebration that went on and on: lunch at wahoo's with my girlfriends, game night and dinner at a fun little place in pacific beach, a visit with my dear friend heidi in cleveland, wine tasting in temecula, and lots of cards and phone calls from faraway friends and family.
3. i've been working around 20-25 hours a month doing early intervention speech therapy and i love it! it doesn't feel like work and i look forward to going to my client's homes each time. i see 3 little girls, which is really fun-and unusual-because boys outnumber girls 3:1 for speech/language disorders. yay! i have a 17 month-old, a 2-year old, and one girl who will turn 3 in a couple of weeks. at that point, she will be off of my caseload but mom is paying me privately to see their 5 year-old son and may do the same for her little girl if she's not happy with the therapy offered by the school system.
welp, we have a few holiday parties this weekend and then we'll be off to ohio to see loved ones on tuesday (BG first, then cincy, then cleveland). can't wait to see you all!
p.s. hi michelle cho! thanks for your message--i'm so glad you still read this! i miss you and hope to get a picture of your sweet family this christmas! :)