Thursday, October 09, 2003

did i mention we had an earthquake the other day? matt did, i think. and we have casey to thank for it!!!
i didn't feel it because i was trying to control three rowdy boys at the time, but another teacher came into my room and said, "did you feel the earthquake?" and of course i said no, and she said, "oh. maybe it was just an airplane flying low." (because they really can make the place vibrate if they are really close). so now everyone's warnings have paid off--we've actually had an earthquake!!!! and darn, if only i could have felt it!
this triggers a funny memory of when cincinnati was supposed to get an earthquake.
everyone freaked out and bought earthquake insurance.
and we even had earthquake drills at our high school--ry and kevin, do you remember that? ha!
we all had to get under our desks and mr. hall, our principal, got on the loudspeaker and was trying to create a scene for us...
" may feel like a train is hitting the building, you may hear dogs barking..."
at that point i could no longer control my laughter and it burst right out.
i was in calculus. incidentally, i was not a favorite student of his, being a girl and all...
therefore, i was issued a detention for laughing!!
oh well! it was worth it--because, come on, DOGS BARKING!!!! who cares???
and after all that we didn't even have the earthquake... huge surprise.

mom--your ring is beautiful! good work, dad!

i've been running again. i got out of it when school started and i was too exhausted when i got home.
but i think it is just a strange cycle, because now that i'm exercising again, i have much more energy!
there is a cool running club for students at our school (some kids get there early and run 2-3 miles each morning!!!).
so another teacher and i are starting a running club for teachers! yay!

i'm pumped for mary and casey's visit!!!
i hope you guys are practicing your foosball, shuffleboard, and darts!
anything else you want to do while you're here?
maybe go downtown and get something to eat for a late dinner when you get in on friday night?
and of course bar-lympics on saturday.
did you want to go for a hike or anything? or whatever you wanto................
i guess we will give you your bday gift when you come (oops. it's all packaged up, it just hasn't made it to the post office!)

ry, nice blog--very sweet! you have a DAUGHTER!!! unbelievable.
grammy, mom, and aunt deedee-have fun visiting hannah this weekend!

i feel like there's more to say
but i'm drawing
a blank.
therefore, i'm signing off!

Monday, October 06, 2003

just over here, relaxing, totally into "innocence mission", thanks to justy.
yeah, definitely a new one to put on my frequently played albums.
no comment even necessary for that AMAZING VOICE and i love the hawaii-ish guitars, subtle but present tambourine, and--best of all, music that takes me to another place. thanks justin--perfect pick for moi!

it's been fun catching up on the bloggies. you know, i was thinking what perfect timing the blogs have been, with the family being spread out across the nation and all. i feel like i haven't really missed too much of life's events with all of you peeple.

mare and casey--first of all, congrats on being out of credit card debt--doesn't it feel SO GREAT!!!? such freedom!!! matt and i made some bad financial choices early in our marraige but have been debt free for almost 3 years now. everyone is different, so i'm not giving advice, just sharing a personal experience--what has kept us out of debt was the promise we made to God after we were finally credit card debt-free (obviously we still have car debt and a student loan). we promised that we would pay our credit card balance every month in full. and the FIRST time we would have month where we couldn't pay the full, we agreed to tear up the credit card and not get a new one until it was paid off. and so far we haven't had to! it is such a great incentive for not overspending because we always think, "wait, is this worth cutting up the card and/or breaking my promise to God?" and the answer is always no. just a fun story there for ya!
it was also fun to read mom and dad edwards accounts of their trip--sounds like such a fun trip. and i can't wait to see your ring mom!!!

i spent the whole weekend painting our living room.
matt helped me lay down the base coat (arizona tan, if you really must know), which he said looked pumpkinish.
then i colorwashed the whole deal by diluting a lighter shade (honey butter) and a darker shade (campground) with water. i used paintbrushes to blend the deal to our walls --- and that literally is the last time i will paint that room. it took 3 gallons of the base coat just to cover the walls if that tells you how large the room is. anyhoo, it was totally worth it! it looks cool and watercolored-almost, most definitely italian/venetian looking.

it's not really cold out, but i'm dying to wear my new striped skinny scarf from the gap
so i'm taking it out on a date to buy some household cleaning products at target!!!
is this really what my life has come to??? yes. i think emily would understand and even appreciate something like this...

my scarf and i must go.

it's me for you
and you for me
-innocence mission